Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Central North C2C - Mid-day meeting in Matamata - 09th July 2011

It has been a while since anyone has used this blog site! And with our recent influx of new members maybe we can resurrect some interest in blogging as a way of sharing what we are doing/learning with the group? Thanks Lyn for reminding me that we all have access to it.

The meeting this Saturday is organised! Nicki is looking forward to hosting us and taking an invigorating workshop. Don't forget to bring the 200 words that take you into the first intimate scene between your H & H (this is something to share aloud with the group) from your current wip (or any older/new work). And don't forget any other saucy ideas/inspirational props for the off the cuff writing that we will be doing.

Directions have been emailed to you.

C U all there. Gaylene.