Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another fantastic meeting yesterday, this time at Angela's in the Waikato. I really learned a lot from Gracie's presentation about critiquing. People often ask the questions that hadn't occured to me, so there's this wonderful roundabout of gathering knowledge. Gracie talked about Holly Lisle's 'Create a Character' clinic - it looks like a worthwhile investment of $9.95.

Once I'd got through the fog, the drive from Rotorua was beautiful. Coming home is always a reflective time to think about the discussions, and where your writing might go as a result. It was great to meet Vicky and Catherine and to share time with everyone again. Sandra, I can't wait to see your art on my wall. Thanks Angela for your lovely hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to cuddle cats again! I love cats but when our last little ginger cat was run over we decided not to get another one because we live in an area where there are a lot of native birds - but I do miss having another feline around the place.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good weeks/bad weeks

Hi all. Didn't have such a good week last week. Developed a migraine on Tuesday and it knocked me back for the rest of the week. However this last weekend has been great. Started the first chapter (again!) and am writing scenes as they come to me and saving them for later. That was really good advice from Jenny. Now they aren't bothering me and I can concentrate on working up to them. My promise for this month was at least the first two chapters so it is looking really good for me to be able to complete. Yeah! This contracting thing is such a good idea. I seem to be in need of deadlines. lol. Well shall carry on. Best to all
Sarah (Taupo)