Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October RWNZ Meeting

It's a long time since anything was added to the blog! We had a great meeting at Jenny Yates' in Piopio on Saturday. Jenny had arranged for Ana Namu, a specialist in psycho-drama to come and speak about using psycho-dramatic techniques as a writing tool. It was a very interesting and enlightening afternoon.

Speaking aloud to your characters and have them answer/challenge you puts a whole different perspective on characterisation. Might sound strange, actually stepping into the physical space of your characters and voicing their opinions and uncertainties but I believe it added another exciting layer to the ways we can add depth and bring our heroes and heroines out of hiding.

It was a two-hour drive to Piopio along State Highway 30 through Whakamaru and Benneydale. Lovely rural countryside. Here are a couple of links to stories I wrote about the drive for online magazine Suite101: from Rotorua to Whakamaru and from Whakamaru to Piopio.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone again in November.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another fantastic meeting yesterday, this time at Angela's in the Waikato. I really learned a lot from Gracie's presentation about critiquing. People often ask the questions that hadn't occured to me, so there's this wonderful roundabout of gathering knowledge. Gracie talked about Holly Lisle's 'Create a Character' clinic - it looks like a worthwhile investment of $9.95.

Once I'd got through the fog, the drive from Rotorua was beautiful. Coming home is always a reflective time to think about the discussions, and where your writing might go as a result. It was great to meet Vicky and Catherine and to share time with everyone again. Sandra, I can't wait to see your art on my wall. Thanks Angela for your lovely hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to cuddle cats again! I love cats but when our last little ginger cat was run over we decided not to get another one because we live in an area where there are a lot of native birds - but I do miss having another feline around the place.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Good weeks/bad weeks

Hi all. Didn't have such a good week last week. Developed a migraine on Tuesday and it knocked me back for the rest of the week. However this last weekend has been great. Started the first chapter (again!) and am writing scenes as they come to me and saving them for later. That was really good advice from Jenny. Now they aren't bothering me and I can concentrate on working up to them. My promise for this month was at least the first two chapters so it is looking really good for me to be able to complete. Yeah! This contracting thing is such a good idea. I seem to be in need of deadlines. lol. Well shall carry on. Best to all
Sarah (Taupo)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Hi all. Having a fabulous day today. Back to swimming 40 lengths at out AC baths. That's 1 k. Wha-hoo! Haven't managed that since Dec. last year. Have just finished my back story for my hero and have learnt many new things about him. Ended up being 7 pages worth. Working this afternoon at our store so will start on my heroine in between customers. Also managed to finish a proper GMC (that's Goal, Motivation and Conflict) for both main characters. External and internal. This makes the plotting really easy and keeps you on track. Even managed to get most of the housework done as well. Anyway just needed to let someone know how good the writing's going at present all due to our great meeting on Saturday. Thanks to all who attended for the inspiration.

Happy crafting to all.

Sarah (Taupo).

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Romance Writers Meeting

Fabulous day yesterday - thanks everyone!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


It is good to see this site in action again.

Lyn, I love your blog, your art is amazing.

I have also achieved my goal of writing two chapters and completing my plot for current WIP. I am now making a start on the third chapter, finding the right words to tell the story (especially the emotional parts) is the part that slows me down the most.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Meeting 18 April

I'm really looking forward to the next meeting too - so much so that I've even cleaned my windows; well, Red cleaned the outside quite vigorously and I smeared some stuff around on the inside. We'll be able to see out now!

Be interesting to see how everyone's doing - I met my commitment to start something new but haven't got much beyond that. Will have to be a bit more adventurous with my next 'vow'.

Looking forward to seeing whoever can make it!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looking forward to the meeting next week. Am excited with the new way we are heading. Promised to have my characters and plot sorted and am actually on to it. Found a really good book to follow and its helping me heaps.
Was wondering about the site one or some of the girls were using to get pictures as a guide to the appearance of their characters. Any tips?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Brought home from Leigh's Abby Gaines' 'The Diaper Diaries' - it's a good read! Really likeable hero and heroine and subtle writing - makes me realise I'm a bit over-the-top with the conflict and my characters are overwrought by comparison - I need to go back to the drawing board!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I had invited a speaker to the next meeting of RWNZ but unfortunately she's declined. Anyone have any bright ideas to make the next meeting as inspirational as the last one?

Monday, March 23, 2009

My son emailed me this morning from the U.K. He and his partner are going to visit a friend in Portugal. The friend's name is Chase Valentin and that's why I'm writing this post - what a fabulous name for a romantic hero - you wouldn't read about it!

Remember to sign your name on your post

Because, hopefully, many of us will use the blog to communicate with each other, it's probably necessary to sign your name at the end so we know who is talking!
Well - I've fulfilled the commitment made at Leigh's on Saturday - I've begun a new romance novel. No title but my hero and heroine have names. I don't know what they look like yet. This bit is the easy bit - it's keeping the story going that I find so hard - I generally run out after the third chapter. People who committed to a chapter a week are amazing!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Romance Writers March meeting

I've just set up my own blog so not sure what I'm doing - it'll take me a while to figure out how it all works. First time I've posted on here.

Had a really lovely afternoon at Leigh's in Te Awamutu - great to catch up with everyone and be inspired to write fiction again after a long lay-off.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's try this again...

Had a post all written out admitting my blogging virgin status and acknowledging I would probably make a stupid mistake...and then I thought 'oh golly I wonder what the 'Settings and Layout" tabs do." So off I went. And when I came back I found my post had been swallowed by the Cyber Snork.
So, Virgin Rule Number One? DON'T phaff around and get distracted in the middle of blogging.
Always nice to find these things out. Sigh.

Thanks for setting this up, Sandra. :-) Nice to know someone is around to save me from myself!
